The ABBA Wonder

e-Časopis československého FanClubu skupiny ♠ABBA♠


04.09.2021: ABBA Voyage
09.03.2015: The Complete Recording Sessions podruhé

První sbírka na nové vydání legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions byla bohužel neúspěšná. Autor nyní zahájil druhý (a poslední) pokus. Přispět tentokrát můžete za trochu pozměněných podmínek zde. Pokud bude kampaň neúspěšná, kniha pravděpodobně v dohledné době nevyjde. Kdo tedy můžete, pomozte, prosím, tento projekt zrealizovat. Stojí za to!

28.01.2015: Sbírka na The Complete Recording Sessions

Dnes začala sbírka na aktualizovanou verzi legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions. Přispět můžete zde. Za příspěvek v minimální výši 750 SEK máte knihu a doručení po Evropě zdarma. Vítán je samozřejmě i jakýkoliv nižší příspěvek.
• archív novinek •


. - 8
zobrazení: 4694
známka: 3.00

"It´s only pop but we like it !"

Hudba a texty

Opening Ceremony

Vydáno dne 00. 00. 0000 (2764 přečtení)
Text z muzikálu Chess (1984)

Opening Ceremony

(B. Andersson / T. Rice / B. Ulvaeus)
The two teams have arrived in the building where the match is to be played. We are shown two different parts of the complex, the Arena itself, where the game actually takes place, and the Press area, which, once the contest actually starts, will be a noisy chaotic corner (with a bar, telexes, typewriters etc.) in stark contrast to the silence and strict calm of the playing area. For the opening ceremony, however, all are allowed to talk in the sacred Arena. The Arena and Press area are crowded with JOURNALISTS, ordinary CHESS FANS, OFFICIALS, etc. Also present are MERCHANDISERS and DIPLOMATS and the ARBITER, who is making the most of being the center of attention.

I've a duty as the referee
At the start of the match
On behalf of all our sponsors
I must welcome you
Which I do--there's a catch

I don't care if your a champion
No one messes with me
I am ruthless in upholding
What I know is right
Black or white--as you'll see

I'm on the case
Can't be fooled
Any objection
Is overruled
Yes I'm the Arbiter and I know best

He's impartial, don't push him, he's unimpressed

You've got your tricks
Good for you
But there's no gambit I don't see through
Oh I'm the Arbiter I know the score

From square one he'll be watching all 64
The playing area is very impressive and dominated by a fantastic electronic scoreboard, which the ARBITER demonstrates with ‘obvious’ pride. In addition to reproducing the exact current state of play, it pumps out a mine of information including time passed, number of moves, room temperature etc.

If you're thinking of the kind of thing
That we've seen in the past
Chanting gurus, walkie-talkies
Walkouts, hypnotists,
Tempers, fists - not so fast

This is not the start of World War Three
No political ploys
I think both your constitutions are terrific so
Now you know - be good boys

I'm on the case
Can't be fooled
Any objection
Is overruled
Yes I'm the Arbiter and I know best

He's impartial, don't push him he's unimpressed

You've got your tricks
Good for you
But there's no gambit I don't see through
Oh I'm the Arbiter I know the score

From square one he'll be watching all 64

Yes I'm the Arbiter I know the score

From square one he's watching all 64
Two groups of DIPLOMATS take center stage. They are clearly from different ends of the political spectrum but sign as one:
DIPLOMATS (MOLOKOV well to the fore)
No one can deny that these are difficult times...
It's the US versus USSR
Yet we more or less are -
No one can deny that these are difficult times...
- to our credit putting all that aside
We have swallowed our pride
These are very dangerous and difficult times...
It really doesn't matter who comes out on top, who gets the chop
No one's way of life is threatened by a flop -
But we're gonna smash their bastard
Make him wanna change his name
Take him to the cleaners and devastate him
Wipe him out, humiliate him
We don't want the whole world saying
They can't even win a game
We have never reckoned
On coming second
There's no use in losing
It's the US versus USSR
Yet we more or less are -
No one can deny that these are difficult times...
- to our credit putting all that aside
We have swallowed our pride
These are very dangerous and difficult times...
The value of events like this need not be stressed
When East and West
Can meet as comrades, ease the tension over drinks
Through sporting links
As long as their man sinks
Next an outrageous group of MERCHANDISERS springs into view – vulgar, colourful, like cheerleaders, waving some of their products:

Whether you are pro or anti
Or could not care less
We are here to tell you
We are here to sell you chess
Not a chance of you escaping from our wiles
We've locked the doors, we've blocked the aisles
We've a franchise worth exploiting
And we will - yes we will!
When it comes to merchandising
We could kill
When you get up -
When you get up in the morning
Till you crash at night
You will have to live your life
With bishop, rook, and knight
Clean your teeth with checkered toothpaste
Wear our vests
Our kings and queens on bouncing breasts
You could even buy a set
And learn to play
We don't mind we'll sell you something
We've done all our market research
And our findings show
That this game of chess could be around
A month or so
Maybe it's a bit confusing
For a game
But Rubik's Cubes were much the same
In the end the whole world bought one
All were gone
By which time we merchandisers
Had moved on
By which time we had moved on!
The ARBITER moves in to re‑establish his control over the event:

I'm on the case, can't be fooled
Any objection is overruled
Don't try to tempt me - you've no hope
I don't like women, I don't take dope
I'm the Arbiter I know the score

From square one he'll be watching all 64

You've got your tricks
Good for you
But there's no gambit I don't see through
I'm the Arbiter and I know best

He's impartial, don't push him, he's unimpressed

I'm the Arbiter my word is law

From square one he'll be watching you...
EVERYONE (bar  players & seconds)

Don't you find it rather touching to behold
The game that came in from the cold
Seen for what it is - religion, plus finesse
Countries, classes, creeds, as one in
Love of chess

[Akt. známka: 0 / Počet hlasů: 0] 1 2 3 4 5

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