The ABBA Wonder

e-Časopis československého FanClubu skupiny ♠ABBA♠


04.09.2021: ABBA Voyage
09.03.2015: The Complete Recording Sessions podruhé

První sbírka na nové vydání legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions byla bohužel neúspěšná. Autor nyní zahájil druhý (a poslední) pokus. Přispět tentokrát můžete za trochu pozměněných podmínek zde. Pokud bude kampaň neúspěšná, kniha pravděpodobně v dohledné době nevyjde. Kdo tedy můžete, pomozte, prosím, tento projekt zrealizovat. Stojí za to!

28.01.2015: Sbírka na The Complete Recording Sessions

Dnes začala sbírka na aktualizovanou verzi legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions. Přispět můžete zde. Za příspěvek v minimální výši 750 SEK máte knihu a doručení po Evropě zdarma. Vítán je samozřejmě i jakýkoliv nižší příspěvek.
• archív novinek •


... - 5
zobrazení: 3965
známka: 2.33

"It´s only pop but we like it !"

Hudba a texty

Quartet (A Model Of Decorum And Tranquility)

Vydáno dne 00. 00. 0000 (2225 přečtení)
Text z muzikálu Chess (1984)

Quartet (A Model

Of Decorum And Tranquility)

(B. Andersson / T. Rice / B. Ulvaeus)              

After THE AMERICAN’s abrupt departure from the Opening Ceremony


We wish, no must, make our disgust at this abuse perfectly clear.
We’re here for chess – are the U.S.?
If so, why foul the atmosphere?


I must protest – our delegation has a host of valid points to raise,
our player’s sporting attitude’s beyond all praise,
as any neutral would attest.
But we concede the fact his masters bend the rules is not a player’s fault –
we’ll overlook their crude political assault
and under protest will proceed.

MOLOKOV (simultaneously with FLORENCE’s speech above)

We wish, no must, make our disgust at this abuse perfectly clear.
We’re here for chess – are the U.S.?
How can you make such a claim? 


If your man’s so sweet
then why his fighting talk?
If he’s not a cheat
then why on earth
did he go take a walk?


Point 17
No one‑way screen
will be allowed
in the hall

Why let him loose?
He’ll soon reduce
this great event
to a brawl

It’s very sad
to see the ancient and
distinguished game
that used to be  



I am not surprised
he wanted fresher air
once he realized
there was no hope
of your lot playing fair.
How sad
to see
what used
to be



A model of decorum and tranquility
become like any other sport –
a battleground for rival ideologies
to slug it out with glee



Through the elegant yelling
of this compelling dispute
comes a ghastly suspicion
my opposition’s a fruit


I don’t suppose you understand
the strain and pressure getting where he’s got
For then you’d simply call him highly‑strung and not
imply that he was one of those


We wish, no must, make our disgust
at this abuse perfectly clear
We’re here for chess – are the U.S.?
If so, why foul the atmosphere?


Point 23
The board will be
made in Sweden –
non‑aligned wood


But how can you
work for one who
treats you like dirt?
Pay must be good


I’m not getting rich
My only interest
is in something which
gives me the chance
of working with the best


I can only say
I hope your dream comes true
till that far‑off day
I hope you cope
with helping number two


How sad
to see


It seems to us
there’s little point
in waiting here all night for his return
And since a peaceful match
is our sole concern
we won’t make an official fuss
In short we rise
above your guy’s
tantrums, dramas,
dirty tricks.


Point 31
No game begun
by noon goes on
After six


It’s very sad
to see the ancient and
distinguished game
that used to be



A model of decorum and tranquility
become like any other sport –
a battleground for rival ideologies
to slug it out with glee.

[Akt. známka: 0,00 / Počet hlasů: 8] 1 2 3 4 5

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