The ABBA Wonder

e-Časopis československého FanClubu skupiny ♠ABBA♠


04.09.2021: ABBA Voyage
09.03.2015: The Complete Recording Sessions podruhé

První sbírka na nové vydání legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions byla bohužel neúspěšná. Autor nyní zahájil druhý (a poslední) pokus. Přispět tentokrát můžete za trochu pozměněných podmínek zde. Pokud bude kampaň neúspěšná, kniha pravděpodobně v dohledné době nevyjde. Kdo tedy můžete, pomozte, prosím, tento projekt zrealizovat. Stojí za to!

28.01.2015: Sbírka na The Complete Recording Sessions

Dnes začala sbírka na aktualizovanou verzi legendární knihy The Complete Recording Sessions. Přispět můžete zde. Za příspěvek v minimální výši 750 SEK máte knihu a doručení po Evropě zdarma. Vítán je samozřejmě i jakýkoliv nižší příspěvek.
• archív novinek •


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zobrazení: 9047
známka: 3.00

"It´s only pop but we like it !"

Hudba a texty

If It Wasn't For The Nights

Vydáno dne 00. 00. 0000 (2983 přečtení)
Text z alba Voulez-Vous (1979)

If It Wasn't For

The Nights

(B. Andersson / B. Ulvaeus)
I got appointments, work I have to do
keepin' me so busy all the day through
They're the things that keep me from thinkin' of you
Oh baby, I miss you so, I know I‘m never gonna make it
Oh I'm so restless, I don't care what I say
and I lose my temper, ten times a day
Still it's even worse when the night's on it's way
It's bad, oh so bad
Somehow I'd be doin' alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
sittin' here alone and starin' at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I can make it)
Somehow I'd be doin' alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
No one turn to, you know how it is
I was not prepared for something like this
Now I see them clearly the things that I miss
Oh baby, I feel so bad, I know I'm never gonna make it
I got my business to help me through the day -
people I must write to, bills I must pay
But everything's so different when night's on it's way
It's so bad, oh so bad
Somehow I'd be doin' alright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
I'd have courage left to fight if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
How I fear the time when shadows start to fall
Sittin' here alone and starin' at the wall
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I can make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)
If it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could make it)
Even I could see a light if it wasn't for the nights
(Even I could see a light I think that I could make it)
Guess my future would look bright if it wasn't for the nights
(If it wasn't for the nights I think that I could take it)

Související články:
As Good As New (00.00.0000)
Voulez-Vous (00.00.0000)
I Have A Dream (00.00.0000)
Angeleyes (00.00.0000)
The King Has Lost His Crown (00.00.0000)
Does Your Mother Know (00.00.0000)
Chiquitita (00.00.0000)
Lovers (Live A Little Longer) (00.00.0000)
Kisses Of Fire (00.00.0000)

[Akt. známka: 0,00 / Počet hlasů: 2] 1 2 3 4 5

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